[Friday, September 2, 2011 13:36:37]

USN was founded in South Africa by Albe Geldenhuys in 2000 and has been at the forefront of sports nutrition research, making effective sports nutrition supplements, as used by professional athletes, widely available. Sports performance, weight-loss and muscle-building supplementation have been cornerstones of USN's premium product offerings, as have beverage and bars since 2006. USN is now sold in 25 countries and continues to grow into new territories as the product quality and its effective results begin to become more widely known.

USN employs people that reflect the characteristic qualities of the brand - driven, committed to excellence, health-conscious and goal-driven. Quality and accountability are USN's foundation values which are reflected in the way their staff conduct themselves, their business ethics and their products.

They formulate their products with extensive research and development using the latest technology, scientific findings and clinic trials.

IT'S ALL ABOUT RESULTS is the USN credo that drives their staff and their brand to continually innovate and achieve. Success, no matter what form it takes, and the unyielding desire of their consumers in their quest to be better, motivate us to deliver the highest quality products that deliver the most effective results in the shortest possible time


USN will be joining us as a full sub sponsor and will be working interactively with the organisors, sponsors, players, spectators to add value and make this the biggest season ever!
